

2023-06-06 14:45:01 来源:四川蒙顶山茶网 作者:蒙顶山茶业商会 浏览:422


      四川蒙顶山茶网   编辑:张明儒

“在这里,我和27万茶乡儿女,诚邀四海宾朋,来一场说走就走的名山之旅,感受心中最美的诗和远方!”今年4月,名山区委书记余云峰赴北京录制的《中国推介》节目《雅安市·名山区  千秋蒙顶  中国名山》,已于61日在《中国推介》官网首发上线。

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扬子江心水,蒙山顶上茶。名山,因境内有世界茶文化圣山——蒙顶山而得名,因茶产业而闻名。大家好!我是四川省雅安市名山区委书记余云峰,非常高兴带领大家走进名山这片茶的天堂      相约名山 品千年茶韵蜀土茶称圣,蒙山味独珍。西汉时期,名山人吴理真在蒙顶山开启世界人工植茶先河,在两千多年的浩瀚茶史中,蒙顶山茶是最为浓墨重彩的一笔,因色香味形独具一格,自古就享有仙茶的美誉。唐天宝元年至清末,蒙顶山茶入贡皇室长达1169年,又称五朝贡茗。茶的兴盛让南方丝路茶马古道交汇在此,蒙顶山茶在这两条传奇通途上走向世界、香飘天下。2004年,来自28个国家和地区的茶叶专家学者齐聚名山发表共同宣言,确认蒙顶山是世界茶文化发源地、世界茶文明发祥地。来名山,品一杯原真好茶,感悟千年文化原味!

相约名山观山水画卷 观名山,游大川。走进名山,就如同推开了景致的大门,春时,风柔茶山新;夏时,避暑山林间;秋时,秋染山野景;冬时,茶海裹银装,绘就一幅四时如画的多彩长卷。名山位于神奇的北纬30°上,终年雨雾蒙沫,空气中负氧离子含量丰富,被誉为天府之肺,是康养洗尘的最佳养生旅游胜地。百丈湖水碧如蓝、宛若平镜;牛碾坪梯田环绕、茶香四溢;还有月亮湖、清漪湖、红草坪等点缀山河。来名山,您只管沿着150公里绿道骑行畅游,便能在清幽茶香中感受到目光所及皆风景的唯美之意。

相约名山尝人间美味 在这个被央媒点赞的美食城市里,各种美食、茶膳不仅颜值在线,还极富营养。在名山,您可以摆一桌全茶宴,焖一锅柴火鸡,尝一口千佛菌,饮一碗羊肉汤,大快朵颐、尽享美食盛宴。猕猴桃、柑橘、脆红李清香四溢、唇齿留芳,一年四季鲜果不断。来名山,定能让您一饱口福。

相约名山享发展之机 名山是川藏茶马古道的起点,川藏铁路纵贯全境,614平方公里内3条高速公路和4条国省干线与成都构成了“1小时交通生活圈。成渝地区双城经济圈、川藏经济协作试验区等重大战略在名山交汇叠加。名山现已拥有39万亩绿色生态茶园,中国西南最大的绿茶交易市场和茶树种质资源基因库,蒙顶山茶叶交易所是全国唯一茶叶类大宗商品交易平台,蒙顶山茶区域公用品牌价值持续蝉联四川第一。名山正迎来前所未有的发展机遇和更为广阔的发展空间,一个开放、活力、幸福的现代茶文化名城正加速呈现在大家眼前。来名山,感受奋进力量,共赢发展未来。一壶好茶,一城名山。名山,便如蒙顶山茶一般,唯有沉下心来细品,方能品出其中真味。在这里,我和27万茶乡儿女,诚邀四海宾朋,来一场说走就走的名山之旅,感受心中最美的诗和远方!我是余云峰,我在名山,等您!

“Water in mid of the Yantze River, with Tea on top of Mengding Mountain”. Mingshan was named because of the Mengding Mountain in its administrative area–an ancestral mountain of tea culture, and it is famous for its tea industry. Hello, everyone! I am Yu Yunfeng, the Party Secretary of Mingshan District, Ya’an City, Sichuan Province. It is my pleasure to show you around Mingshan, the “heavenly land of tea”.Let’s meet up in Mingshan, to experience the tea aroma from a thousand years ago“Sichuan tea is among the best, while those from Mengding are especially precious”. During the Western Han Dynasty, a Mr. Wu Lizhen from Mingshan initiated the artificial tea planting on Mengding Mountain, marking a significant epic in the tea history of more than two thousand years. With its unique color, fragrance, taste and shape, the tea is well known as “fairy tea” since ancient time. During the 1169 years from the 742A.D. in Tang Dynasty until the end of Qing Dynasty in early 20th century, the Mengding Tea had been special tribute tea to royal families, thus known as “Tribute Tea for Five Dynasties”. The prosperity of tea industry made it a junction between the “Southern Silk Road” and the “Ancient Tea Horse Road”. The tea from Mengding Mountain traveled to the rest of the world through these two legendary paths, sharing its fragrance to the world. In 2004, the tea specialists and scholars from 28 countries and regions gathered together in Mingshan, and made a joint declaration, confirming that the Mengding Mountain is the cradle land of the world tea culture and civilization. If you come to Mingshan, you can have a cup of very authentic quality tea, and feel the originality of the culture from centuries ago.Let’s meet up in Mingshan, to enjoy the views of mountain and riversYou can travel around scenic resorts in here. As you are in Mingshan, you are in a world of endless sceneries. The fresh breeze in the tea gardens preludes spring; the forest shelters you from hot summer; the plants color changes show the coming of autumn, and the snow coated tea garden exhibits the purity of winter. A picturesque Mingshan is illustrated differently in the four seasons. Mingshan is located on the mysterious 30° latitude, “nourished with rain and fog” all year around, with rich oxygen ion in the air. It is well complimented as “the lungs of Sichuan”, and an optimal resort for tourism of health maintenance. The clear water of Baizhang Lake is smooth like a mirror; the terraced fields of Niunian Village spread fragrance of tea; in addition to the Moon Lake, Qingyi Lake and Hongcao Village, which all contribute to the great landscape. Once you are in Mingshan, you can freely travel along the green path of 150km, to experience the beauty of “fulfilled sceneries in your eyes” accompanied by the mild fragrance of tea.Let’s meet up in Mingshan, to taste the worldly famous cuisineIn this town of delicious food as complimented by the media of CCTV, various food and tea snacks are not only appealing to the eye, but also rich in nutrition. In Mingshan, you can organize a banquet with tea ingredient in every dish, simmer a chicken with firewood, taste the precious grifola frondosa, have a bowl of lamb soup, and fully enjoy such grand feast. Fresh and juicy fruits, such as kiwi fruit, oranges and red plums are produced from Mingshan in different season. Your visit to Mingshan would surely satisfy your good appetite.Let’s meet up in Mingshan, to take the opportunity of developmentMingshan is the starting point of the Sichuan-Tibet Ancient Tea Horse Road. The Sichuan-Tibet rail way crosses its territory. Within the 614km2 of Mingshan, there are 3 high ways and 4 major national or provincial roads, composing a “1-hour travel convenient circle”. Several development initiatives such as Chengdu-Chongqing Regional Twin City Economic Zone and Sichuan-Tibet Economic Cooperation Pilot Zone are overlapping in Mingshan. Currently, Mingshan boasts its 390 thousand acres of ecological tea gardens, makes it the largest green tea trading market and gene pool of tea tree germplasm in southwest China. The Mengdingshan Tea Exchange is the only tea commodity trading exchange platform in China. The regional public brand value of Mengding Mountain Tea has been ranking No. 1 in Sichuan in consecutive years. As an open, lively and joyful modern town of modern tea culture rapidly emerging to the public, Mingshan is ready to seize the unprecedented opportunities and space of development. Come to Mingshan, to feel the power of progress, and win the developing future together.Make a pot of fine tea in the town of Mingshan. The essence of Mingshan, similar like the tea of Mengding Mountain, can only be felt and understood in calmness. Right here, we 270 thousand citizens of the tea town, would like to invite guests from domestic and abroad, to take an improvising tour in Mingshan and experience the most beautiful and poetic future from their heart!I am Yu Yunfeng. I am waiting for you, in Mingshan!




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